Cinema as a Source of Inspiration: A COISA MAIS LINDA!
Feb 15, 2022
Do you like music? Do you like History? Do you like stories that move you inside? Do you like beauty and grace?
So, this series is for you!
From photography, to sound, to dialogues, to topics covered, to scenery and wardrobe, to music ... this is worth it!
It talks about 2 subjects that moves me: Women and Music - The "2 MS"
WOMEN, we women, especially those who despite everything and all follow their dreams, that despite being ostracized, criticized, misunderstood by the families, by husbands and even by friends ... follow their own dreams, truth, facing critics, loneliness, fears ... but they follow their heart and hopes no matter what opening doors for other women to dream higher ....
Women who suffer from domestic violence, women who work in a world of men, women who have no culture, women of different social strata, women who like women, women who can’t live love, forbidden loves, betrayals ... everything that was hidden, all that is still hidden .... BUT WHEN THEY COME TOGETHER… THEY make miracles to happen that last in the eternity of our history and change the course of future generations ....
MUSIC, the boom of the musical genre that has eternalized (in and out of the country) names like Tom Jobim, Vinícius de Morais, João Gilberto, Chico Buarque, Nara Leão and Elis Regina awakens in us an ancient and current universe that makes us want to dance, laugh, cry ... music has a universal language that goes beyond countries and cultures, making us travel through internal universes that intertwine with other internal universes.
This series, although touching various subjects is light, fun, deep, has class and grace ... is worth it and inspires.
Coisa Mais Linda is a Brazilian television series hosted by the Netflix streaming service, launched on March 22, 2019. It was created by Giuliano Cedroni and Heather Roth, The series addresses the rise of bossa nova and female empowerment in 1959, title was inspired by the song of João Gilberto and Tom Jobim.
Satya, Working With Satya
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