Yoga and Meditation at Portuguese Prisons.
Feb 15, 2022
“Practicing Yoga is a power tool to restore the relationship of prisoners with their bodies and reclaiming the connection of mind, body and spirit. Helps individual complete development in order to increase self awareness and consequently empathy for others. The intention is to establish a national program, with all yoga teachers that feel inspired to facilitate classes in prison environment, and guarantee weekly program to inmates in Portuguese establishments, helping social reintegration, physical and mental transformation
Life and Possibilities Explorer, some people call her “Skills Collector”.
Was born Portuguese in a family with Doctors lineage, graduated from Environmental Engineering and am a PADI Rescue Diver. Her body training started at 4, with Classical Ballet, Horseback Riding and Gymnastics. She has been in the Yoga path for 18 years and teaching for 12. Studied Ashtanga, Traditional Hatha and Transformational Yoga. She is very curious so engaged in courses of Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Contemporary Dance. As a member of YAI and WYF, was fortunate to learn, practice and teach worldwide in Portugal, UK, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, California, Costa Rica, Ibiza, Nepal, Australia, Russia and India, in schools, retreats, yoga studios, privately and National and International Festivals.
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