Exclusive Retreats for Women
After years of searching for a place to immerse herself in every aspect of womanhood and not being able to find it, Satya decided to create her own: a space where all women could dive deep in themselves without judgment, criticism or repression, blossoming in a safe environment and exploring all the beautiful petals of their being, allowing them to come back to who they truly are.
Welcome to...the Lotus Sacred Journey!
A practical journey of discovery that takes place in a group of courageous women, who are inspired by each other's stories, to become stronger, healthier and purposeful human beings.
Each petal is a transformative Retreat
Each theme takes you to bloom into a new day. It is a rebirth, a moment you offer yourself to reconnect with who you are. You return home reconnected with your heart, body, mind and spirit, ready to give more meaning and authenticity to your life.

Finding Your True Essence
At the White Lotus retreat we will understand the role of the masks we use and what prevents us from expressing ourselves authentically.
23-27 October 2024

The Pleasure of Being Truly Alive
The Red Lotus retreat will explore topics like sensuality, sexuality, passion and the power of creation will empower you for a healthier and happier life.
Coming in 2025

Embracing Your Shadow
Black Lotus retreat is designed to penetrate beyond your habitual masks and to focus your total energy onto the search for who you really are.
New Dates Coming Soon

Ignite Your Inner Power
The Yellow Lotus retreat opens the gate of virtue, that allows the awakening of the supreme wisdom of the inner peaceful warrior, the art of winning without a war.
Coming in 2025
"Unless I am myself, I am nobody"
The Lotus Sacred Journey
is for you if you areβ¦
Feeling that it's time to let go of all the roles and expectations and put yourself first, so you can feel more vibrant, more energized, inside and out.
Ready to dive inside yourself and face your truth;
Eager to stop the rush and confusion you live in and learn about yourself;
Willing to join other inspiring women, to grow together;
A Journey designed by a Woman, for Women
Meet Lotus Sacred Journey Creator and Facilitator

Satya is a Spiritual Awareness Facilitator Leader. She dedicates her life to helping people reach their full potential, awaken their own soul wisdom, and raise their consciousness through a method that combines Modern Therapeutic Technics and Indigenous Ancient Wisdom.
Satya always tried to put into practice what her restless soul was asking her to do. That is why she soon began studying and traveling around the world to discover ways of understanding existence and the human being. She has been inspired by the indigenous tribes and cultures of Indonesia, Mexico, Hawaii, Peru, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, England, Portugal, and Kyrgyzstan.
Having worked with several transformation processes and therapies for over 16 years, Satya created her own method and founded the school where she teaches it: Awareness Facilitator School.
With the knowledge of modern therapies, Satya supports the process of bringing to the surface the wounds that need to be healed, the consequences of traumas that have become ingrained in the body and mind, and the patterns of behavior and thoughts that don't allow us to live our authenticity. Ancient wisdom and its sacred rituals enable us to reach into the subtler dimensions of our existence, remembering that we are much more than our history and personality structure and regaining our connection with the Mystery of Life.
In her passionate and light-hearted way, she shares a comprehensive approach that goes beyond cultures and traditions. She serves the evolution of consciousness for the transformation of the world into a compassionate place where Humanity means Unity.