Serra da Estrela, Portugal

26 - 30 MARCH 2025




 Exclusive Women's Retreat

Ignite Your Inner Power


Let yourself shine brighter

in your own unique way.

Language: Portuguese, English, Russian

Apply to Yellow Lotus, an Exclusive Retreat for Women.


What prevents you
to really Be Seen


Your own gifts
and full potential

Get Ready

to welcome and
embrace the True You





Have you ever found yourself hearing from people who love you, or even co-workers, that you are great, that you are a bright star, but you can't truly believe it?

Sometimes we go through life without showing who we really are. We don't strive for what we want because we doubt that we are capable.

You may think that there is always someone better than you and hold yourself back or self-sabotage... but have you ever noticed how the sun and the moon are so different but have their own unique beauty, each in their own way?

It's time to show yourself and share your gifts with the world, inspiring others to do the same, because that's what our essence asks us to do!

Welcome to Yellow Lotus Women Retreat.


What is the

Yellow Lotus Women Retreat?


Yellow Lotus is a 5-day women retreat and one of the petals of the Lotus Sacred Journey.

During this time, we will dive deep to retrieve the inner power we all have that is waiting for us to embrace it.

It is a path to observe all the obstacles that prevent us from truly shining!

To shine without competing, to shine in order to put into practice the gifts we were born with. You will be part of a circle of inspiring women who wish to support themselves on this journey of inner growth and self-acceptance.

We will understand all that is preventing us from appreciating and showing our beauty and ask deeper questions, asking for answers in a safe place of transformation for body, mind and soul.


Yellow Lotus Women Retreat is the next step in your inner development, through modern therapeutic techniques and beautiful ancient wisdom practices.

 This is a dive into accepting the totality of your being, transforming and integrating new discoveries that will remind you of who you truly are.


 “Yellow Lotus Women Retreat is about the inner power,

overcoming the fear of being seen

and shining authentically!”



With Modern therapeutic techniques and Ancient Wisdom,

we will explore and transform

our being in all dimensions:



We will explore our inner dialogue, which is connected to our beliefs about who we are and question the reasons that keep us from fighting for what we want for our life.

We will go through the traumas, wounds and conditioning so that we can flourish with self-confidence and compassion for who we are.


We explore the mystery of life, recognizing how it transcends our self.

Through ancient rituals, we realize that there is no separation between me and the Mystery, which welcomes us just as we are because we are also the Mystery itself.




The soul holds our true wisdom and we will learn to listen to it, asking the questions that guide our life, with ancient rituals.

The concept of intimacy is beyond relationships between people and starts in our most subtle dimensions. We will reconnect with ourselves and with the Mystery of Life.



Through movement and dance we will undertake practices that will help us unlock many understandings.

There are many memories that our body holds that we are not aware of, but this is our vessel and a dimension that is waiting to be explored to work on self-acceptance and self-responsibility.



We will learn how to become more aware of our emotions.

We enhance compassion, love, empathy, for ourselves and for others and dilute hatred, resentment and anger by giving them the attention and space they need.





“ We all have parts to work on and improve,

but we are also made of gifts that serve the world

and must be shown.  









At Yellow Lotus Women Retreat,

you will have the opportunity to: 


  • Realize that you all hold something extraordinary inside;

  • Learn to let go of comparisons, because we all possess a unique beauty;

  • Let ourselves shine, in front of a circle of women who support and inspire each other;

  • Accept that you are good enough, with all the imperfections and qualities and that it's time to stop playing small;

  • Establish your boundaries without holding on to anger and/or bitterness;

  • Discover how to come back from betrayal and disappointment;

  • Feel inner completion and release yourself from others opinion and approval;

  • Allow your qualities and heart to shine from a self-confident place.




We will explore our dimensions, through techniques and practices such as:




Authentic Exposure


Trauma release


Dance and Movement

Ancient Rituals

Soul Expression

And much more!


You will be in a sacred space of love and awakening, in which a transformation is going to happen at your own speed.

We will be by your side, supporting you in each step of the way, with honesty, love and compassion, honoring your decisions.


Meet Satya

Satya is a Consciousness Activist. She dedicates her life to helping people reach their full potential, awaken their own soul wisdom, and to raise their consciousness through a method that combines Modern Therapeutic Technics and Indigenous Ancient Wisdom.

Satya always tried to put into practice what her restless soul was asking her to do. That is why she soon began studying and traveling around the world to discover ways of understanding existence and the human being. She has been inspired by the indigenous tribes and cultures of Indonesia, Mexico, Hawaii, Peru, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, England, Portugal, and Kyrgyzstan.

 Having worked with several transformation processes and therapies for the past 13 years, Satya created her own method and founded the school where she teaches it: Awareness Facilitator School.

With the knowledge of modern therapies, Satya supports the process of bringing to the surface the wounds that need to be healed, the consequences of traumas that have become ingrained in the body and mind and the patterns of behavior and thought that does not allow us to live our authenticity. Ancient wisdom and its sacred rituals enable us to reach into the subtler dimensions of our existence, remembering that we are much more than our history and personality structure and regaining our connection with the Mystery of Life.

She serves the evolution of consciousness for the transformation of the world into a compassionate place where Humanity means Unity.


A Complete Experience:


Yellow Lotus Women Retreat is not just a 5-day event. From the moment you apply, we want to support you in the best way possible.

We will consider your current situation in various areas of your life, as well as the intentions that led you to apply, to provide you with the most fulfilling experience.

After the retreat, our team will remain in contact with you during the integration process – the time when you prepare to put in practice the insights gained during the retreat.

You will receive special materials to further enrich your journey and support from the Working With Satya team whenever you feel it is needed.


Fill out this form to be contacted by a specialist from our team.

In this conversation, you will be given all the information about Yellow Lotus Retreat, including the schedule, accommodation, price, all the materials and the clarification of all your doubts.

If you decide to participate, we will begin your process with an interview about important aspects of your life. This will ensure we can support you in the best possible way from the very first moment, so this very special journey can be done safely.




FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions