Ibiza, Spain

12 - 16 NOV 2025



Exclusive Women's Retreat



How to trust yourself and express who you really are?

Languages: English, Portuguese, Russian

an Exclusive Retreat for Women.


Ibiza, Spain

12 - 16 NOV 2025 



Exclusive Women's Retreat



How to trust yourself and express who you really are?

Languages: English, Portuguese, Russian

an Exclusive Retreat for Women.



All the layers of your being


Yourself from old patterns

Be Reborn 

With self-awareness and self-confidence


As women, we have been embracing many roles: the mother, the wife, the co-worker, the daughter but...

When you look at yourself in the mirror,
what do you see?

Do you see the beauty or just the parts that feel broken? Do you accept and love your body, regardless of how it is or do you compare it to others constantly?

Can you celebrate life, accepting joy, love, sadness or are you so afraid to feel something that you avoid feeling at all? When you close your eyes, are you the person you show the world?

This is your moment! The moment to reconnect with your essence as a woman, finding your true essence!

Welcome to White Lotus.

What is the
White Lotus retreat?


White Lotus is one of the 4 petals of the Lotus Sacred Journey. It is what we can call its entrance, though this doesn't need to be the first retreat on the path of transformation.

It is a 4-day retreat and a deep dive to find our essence, what lies beyond the way we see ourselves and how we behave to feel accepted. 

In this retreat, we will dive deep into authenticity, self-esteem, confidence, trusting your intuition, boundaries and so much more.

"Who are you truly? What is to be authentic? How to trust ourselves to be who we truly are?"

It's a journey back to your own home, your body, your heart, your mind and your soul.

We have so many beliefs of how we should be, behave and act, but then we never feel relaxed in who we are.

During this process, each woman will have the opportunity to explore deep within herself, free herself from her own beliefs and patterns, and step by step begin to show who she is and go after what she wants or needs in life.


What is the
White Lotus retreat?


White Lotus is one of the 4 petals of the Lotus Sacred Journey. It is what we can call its entrance, though it is not necessary that this be the first retreat on the path of transformation.

It is a 4-day retreat and a deep dive to find our essence, what lies beyond the way we see ourselves and how we behave to feel accepted. 

In this retreat, we will understand the role of the masks we use and what prevents us from expressing ourselves authentically. This will enable us to start feeling relaxed in ourselves, in our bodies, and in our life. During this process, each woman will have the opportunity to explore deep within herself, free herself from her own beliefs and patterns, and step by step begin to show who she is and go after what she wants or needs in life.


"Women's retreats are not against men, it's about our life in women's bodies, our worries, our doubts. It's a retreat just for women because we are different from men and so we have created a space where we can explore feminine subjects, regardless of our sexual orientation."


What topics will we dive into?

White Lotus is deep journey of self-discovery, but more than a retreat is a coming back to your body, mind, heart and soul, a celebration of the uniqueness you are, as women.

We will dive deep into themes such as inner child, self-esteem, body image, childhood, fears and barriers, boundaries, relationships, confidence, sexuality, and so much more!

In this safe space we will have the opportunity to truly see ourselves and find:


Acknowledging who you truly are and the wisdom that lives within you, allowing it to guide you, and respecting your boundaries.


Recognizing how precious and beautiful your body is, a walking temple of Nature. Each body is sacred, each in its different and unique design.


Allowing yourself to feel with no reservations or fears, recovering your urge to stand up for yourself and for what you believe in.

In this retreat we will re-ignite your confidence as we rediscover your authenticityremembering the unique gifts we bring to this life. We will nurture our bodies, our minds and our souls, re-aligning our sense of respect towards ourselves and towards each other.

White Lotus is a celebration of the female essence.

We will work in all dimensions:


We work with our rational dimension to understand how we function. We will become aware of our patterns, limiting beliefs, and addictions, to transform what is preventing us from living with authenticity.


We explore the mystery of life, recognizing how it transcends our self. Through ancient rituals, we realize that there is no separation between me and the Mystery, which welcomes us just as we are, because we are also the Mystery itself.


We will reach deep states of connection in our most subtle dimensions that are waiting for our attention. In this intimacy with soul and spirit, we recover faith in ourselves and in life.


The body is the container of life, it holds many memories and is the key to many unblocks. Through various techniques, dance and movement we will raise our vital energy and make it stronger.


We will learn how to become more aware of our emotions. We enhance compassion, love, empathy, for ourselves and for others and dilute hatred, resentment and anger by giving them the attention and space they need.

White Lotus has been designed with structures that integrate modern therapies and ancient wisdom, where we use techniques and practices such as:

Authentic Exposure
Trauma Healing
Dance and Movement
Ancient Rituals
Soul Expression
And much more!

With White Lotus
you will be able to...


  • Join a circle of women who wish to deepen their path of inner growth;
  • Reconnect with your beauty and strength, find your vital energy and courage to express your truth in words and actions;
  • Find a safe space with support at every step to go to your inner places that need healing and transformation;
  • Immerse into your soul and unveil your true potential;
  • Make peace with your body and honor it as the temple of your life;
  • Listen to your heart's desires and take responsibility for putting them into practice.

Supported by the strength of our femininity, hand in hand, we move beyond our limitations. Together we explore our highest potential as women, we celebrate our uniqueness and bring more light into the world.

It will be a real celebration of strength and openness that will be transformed into self-respect and self-love.


With White Lotus
you will be able to...


  • Join a circle of women who wish to deepen their path of inner growth;
  • Reconnect with your beauty and strength, find your vital energy and courage to express your truth in words and actions;
  • Find a safe space with support at every step to go to your inner places that need healing and transformation;
  • Immerse into your soul and unveil your true potential;
  • Make peace with your body and honor it as the temple of your life;
  • Listen to your heart's desires and take responsibility for putting them into practice.

Supported by the strength of our femininity, hand in hand, we move beyond our limitations. Together we explore our highest potential as Sacred women, we celebrate our uniqueness and bring more light into the world.

It will be a real celebration of strength and openness that will be transformed into self-respect and self-love.


Meet Satya

Satya is a Spiritual Awareness Facilitator Leader. She dedicates her life to helping people reach their full potential, awaken their own soul wisdom, and raise their consciousness through a method that combines Modern Therapeutic Technics and Indigenous Ancient Wisdom.

Satya always tried to put into practice what her restless soul was asking her to do. That is why she soon began studying and traveling around the world to discover ways of understanding existence and the human being. She has been inspired by the indigenous tribes and cultures of Indonesia, Mexico, Hawaii, Peru, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, England, Portugal, and Kyrgyzstan.

 Having worked with several transformation processes and therapies for the past 13 years, Satya created her own method and founded the school where she teaches it: Awareness Facilitator School.

With the knowledge of modern therapies, Satya supports the process of bringing to the surface the wounds that need to be healed, the consequences of traumas that have become ingrained in the body and mind and the patterns of behavior and thought that do not allow us to live our authenticity. Ancient wisdom and its sacred rituals enable us to reach into the subtler dimensions of our existence, remembering that we are much more than our history and personality structure and regaining our connection with the Mystery of Life.

She serves the evolution of consciousness for the transformation of the world into a compassionate place where Humanity means Unity.


Satya always tried to put into practice what her restless soul was asking her to do. That is why she soon began studying and traveling around the world to discover ways of understanding existence and the human being. She has been inspired by the indigenous tribes and cultures of Indonesia, Mexico, Hawaii, Peru, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, England, Portugal, and Kyrgyzstan.

 Having worked with several transformation processes and therapies for the past 13 years, Satya created her own method and founded the school where she teaches it: Awareness Facilitator School.

With the knowledge of modern therapies, Satya supports the process of bringing to the surface the wounds that need to be healed, the consequences of traumas that have become ingrained in the body and mind and the patterns of behavior and thought that does not allow us to live our authenticity. Ancient wisdom and its sacred rituals enable us to reach into the subtler dimensions of our existence, remembering that we are much more than our history and personality structure and regaining our connection with the Mystery of Life.

She serves the evolution of consciousness for the transformation of the world into a compassionate place where Humanity means Unity.


White Lotus has supported hundreds of women worldwide to recover their inner strength, beauty, and authentic selves


Fill out this form to be contacted by a specialist from our team.

In this conversation, you will be given all the information about White Lotus Retreat, including the schedule, accommodation, price, all the materials and the clarification of all your doubts.

If you decide to participate, we will begin your process with an interview about important aspects of your life. This will ensure we can support you in the best possible way from the very first moment, so this very special journey can be done safely.


Fill out this form to be contacted by a specialist from our team.

In this conversation, you will be given all the information about White Lotus Retreat, including the schedule, accommodation, price, all the materials and the clarification of all your doubts.

If you decide to participate, we will begin your process with an interview about important aspects of your life. This will ensure we can support you in the best possible way from the very first moment, so this very special journey can be done safely.




FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions